It seems everyone obsesses over the movie The fault in our stars. I am “everyone” 

I have watched it countless times. On other days repeating it up to three times.

So the movie is an adaption of the novel by John Green – The fault in our stars. 

The story is about a young teenage girl who has been diagnosed with lung cancer and attends a cancer support group. She is reluctant to go but soon realizes that it was a good idea. She meets a young boy and falls in love. 

According to Prezi ;the central idea of “Fault in our stars” is that love goes through hard times. In the book both characters ; Hazel and Gus were struggling the battle of cancer. It seemed that throughout the whole book and movie their love still grew even though they were both physically becoming weak. In the end Gus eventually dies. 

So I read a play Julius Caesar by Shakespeare. In one of the scenes a character says “The fault , dear Brutus , is not in our stars/But in ourselves, that we are underlings” This is where the title of the book by John Green comes from. The book is a complete contradiction of the play by Shakespeare. 

I can’t help but think wether or not the characters in the book “The fault in our stars “ had a say on how their future was laid out. People would possibly say it was fate , that’s how it was supposed to go. They didn’t choose to have cancer. They didn’t choose to fall in love. It was all written in the stars you could say.

Arguably Hazel did choose to go to the cancer support group and she did choose to talk to Gus and that’s how they fell in love and it became a really sad story

It also comes down to people that say they fall in love when their stars align. Could Hazel and Gus 

Is it fair to blame the universe for everything that happens to us?  Can we say we don’t have a say and we’re on a road already drawn for us? 

I believe in fate in destiny but I also believe we are fated to do things we’d choose to do anyway. These are the random things I think about.

Do you believe in fate?

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